
New online world

We have transitioned into a world where making money isn’t just about putting on the formal business suit and stepping into a cubicle. The online world has transitioned us to spark on a new form of income. Research studies have shown that more people are learning to grasp business in the form of an online setting. Entrepreneur Jared Plotka has taken the online world to a different level. He has opened up a business called PhoenixEcom where he can give someone passive income with the opening of a single AMZ store!

Get real results with PhoenixEcom

If you are unfamiliar with the new ways of drop-shipping. AMZ has every product that can include needs and wants. PhoenixEcom is an AMZ-drop shipping agency. With hundreds of employees in the Philippines who help open up stores and have individuals make money with the click of a button. Jared and the whole Phoenix team have been attending networking events. Their goal is to inform clients that there is risk in automation. They explain how there is a huge “flaw” in the automation world, which is that these big corporations are taking advantage of their clients. At PhoenixEcom the whole team is here to not just make their own personal-income, but to change lives by helping others earn passive-income.

Dealing with risk

As a start-up company, Phoenix has tested both the AMZ-side of the marketplace and the FB-side of the marketplace. Both are a completely different ball game. As for FB, they are the only team that uses proxy servers ( at the convenience of our clients) . They set those up for the clientele to be able to rent an IP address in the state closest to the client. If the account gets suspended then the Phoenix team calls upon their suspension team to be able to fix the bug in the system. The accounts have never been lost or been on lockdown for an extended period of time. As for AMZ, the use of sharing user permissions is usually the only part the Phoenix team has dealt with. The FB side attracts a younger clientele due to the fact that the clients who maybe just getting out of college might not have a huge uptake in credit, or a high-income because they don’t necessarily have a professional business. Whereas, the AMZ side attracts an older clientele with clients who maybe are trying to open up stores for their businesses. The Phoenix team explains which path they think you should take to earn your form of passive income. As for funding, the team gets individuals with maybe not the most income or good credit send their cases to the credit fixing group and their funding specialist to be able to fix their funding problems. PhoenixEcom has accomplished goals that most start-up AMZ automation companies are lacking.

It’s time to look forward into the future

If you are sitting at home waiting for a way to make money, but don’t want to work that 9-5. Making passive-income might be the perfect way for you to sign on and make a formal income. I have no doubt that the future of PhoenixEcom will not only expand, but will flourish as the team enhances on their abilities to be able to make you the consumer gain wealth and a job.

@2022 by PhoenixEcom